Intending Agents

At Surya Tantech, we embrace the role of intending agents with passion and purpose. As agents ourselves, we understand the immense potential and opportunities that come with this dynamic position. We are committed to empowering our fellow agents with the necessary tools, resources, and support to excel in the leather industry. With our comprehensive knowledge and expertise in leather chemicals, manufacturing processes, and market trends, we offer a strong foundation for success.


  • With our global presence, Surya Tantech as an intending agent enables you to access international markets and leverage our well-established network of customers and partners. Expand your business horizons and tap into new opportunities with the support and reach of our extensive global network.

  • By partnering with Surya Tantech as your intending agent, your business gains a distinct competitive advantage in the market. As an intending agent, our reputation for unwavering quality, relentless innovation, and exceptional customer satisfaction becomes your advantage.

  • As the intending agent, Surya Tantech grants you exclusive access to our team of dedicated technical experts, committed to supporting your success. Our experienced professionals are readily available to offer valuable guidance and assistance in product applications, troubleshooting, and process optimization.