Embracing sustainability, we redefine the future of leather with responsible chemistry

Our Sustainable Practices and Commitment to Environmental Responsibility

  • Continuous Improvement

    Surya Tantech is committed to continuous improvement in the sustainability of their leather chemicals, actively seeking feedback, conducting environmental impact assessments, and implementing strategies to further enhance sustainability performance.

  • Sustainable Performance

    Surya Tantech's range of leather chemicals is designed to deliver exceptional performance while meeting sustainability criteria. This ensures that tanneries can produce high-quality leather with minimized environmental impact.

  • Collaboration for Sustainability

    Surya Tantech collaborates with industry associations, organizations, and customers to collectively work towards sustainable practices in the leather industry, sharing knowledge and promoting best practices.

How do we do it?

At Surya Tantech, sustainability is at the core of everything we do. Our commitment to sustainable practices is driven by the belief that we have a responsibility to protect the environment and promote ethical and responsible business conduct. On our Sustainable Practices page, we highlight our unwavering dedication to minimizing the environmental impact of our operations and products. We actively pursue eco-friendly solutions throughout our manufacturing processes, from sourcing raw materials to developing innovative, sustainable leather chemicals. Our sustainable practices not only benefit the environment but also contribute to the long-term success and resilience of our customers' businesses.